Florence & the Machine Ceremonials: Florence and the Machine's new album, Ceremonials, Lilies and cupcakes and candles, oh my – it could only be a playback of the new Florence and the Machine album, Ceremonials. In an upstairs room in an east London pub earlier this week, seven tracks ("don't worry, it's not a really short album, this is just a bit of it") got their first airing. It sounds loud, and expensive. It's hard to get any sense of pace, since it was a selection of tracks rather than the whole thing, but it's fairly relentless in terms of its enormity.
Read more: http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/musicblog/2011/sep/15/florence-machine-ceremonials
Read more: http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/musicblog/2011/sep/15/florence-machine-ceremonials