Dhiraj Arora naked just the steam room- Indian “spice king” Dhiraj Arora went on a bizarre rampage at the famed Midtown hotel, traipsing naked through the workout facility after sucking down tequila and then taunting the police, law-enforcement sources told The Post. Arora’s public peep show drew a barrage of guest complaints, but he was spared arrest despite locking himself in his 15th-floor room and forcing cops to drag him to a nearby psych ward. Sources said he barked at Midtown North officers to “suck my $57 million d–k.” Arora, a spice importer who stocks the shelves of stores like Fairway and Whole Foods, made a dash of shame to his room and locked the door. When cops came knocking, he opened his door with the latch still on and cried out, “Peek-a-boo!’’ according to law-enforcement source.
Read more: http://nyc.barstoolsports.com/random-thoughts/indian-spice-king-goes-on-naked-rampage-in-midtown-hotel-screaming-suck-my-57-million-dollar-dick/
Read more: http://nyc.barstoolsports.com/random-thoughts/indian-spice-king-goes-on-naked-rampage-in-midtown-hotel-screaming-suck-my-57-million-dollar-dick/