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Missing Baby Lisa Irwin

Written By Tim Robin on Wednesday, 12 October 2011 | 00:53

Missing Baby Lisa Irwin- Whenever the news reports a child's disappearance as happened with Kansas City, mo., baby Lisa Irwin last week, Internet sleuths set to speculating. The publicly known details of the case are passed around and dissected. Did the mother do it? Did the father do it? Was the kidnapping the work of a stranger? No matter the case, the thrust of much discussion is whether the parents who reported their child missing are trustworthy.

Internet sleuths are not privy to inside information. They parse through news reports and sometimes gossip repeated in the community where the disappearance took place, trying to ascertain the truth. One tool they use is statement analysis. That's a tool that's resulted in some pretty harsh criticism of grieving parents, including Lisa's parents, Deborah Bradley and Jeremy Irwin.

Read more: http://news.yahoo.com/missing-baby-lisa-irwins-parents-statements-picked-apart-201100839.html