Harold Camping October 21 2011- Harold Camping, the end of the world prophet whose initial rapture prediction last May proved false, is back with a message for his remaining followers: The end is “probably” still coming on October 21st, 2011.
Camping’s most recent prediction was that believers would be raptured, or swept into heaven, on May 21, 2011 while the rest of the world would enter a time of judgment before a day of final destruction on October 21.
Read more: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/under-god/post/harold-camping-world-probably-to-end-oct-21-2011/2011/10/05/gIQAmxMMuL_blog.html
Camping’s most recent prediction was that believers would be raptured, or swept into heaven, on May 21, 2011 while the rest of the world would enter a time of judgment before a day of final destruction on October 21.
Read more: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/under-god/post/harold-camping-world-probably-to-end-oct-21-2011/2011/10/05/gIQAmxMMuL_blog.html