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Petition calls for George Carlin Street in NYC

Written By Tim Robin on Friday, 9 September 2011 | 12:41

Petition calls for George Carlin Street in NYC – An online petition has been started for a George Carlin street in NYC. The New York-based George Carlin fans have started the petition to have a Manhattan street named after the late comedian. Carlin, who spent his entire childhood living on the same street in Manhattan’s Morningside Heights neighborhood, was reportedly extremely fond of his time there. His daughter, writer Kelly Carlin, told the Village Voice:
“my dad loved his neighborhood deeply and you know, I think it’s important that New Yorkers know where he came from.”
And now, three years after the comic’s death, Daily Show comedian Kevin Bartini, who’s a big fan of the foul-mouthed comic, is leading the petition to change the name of that block of street on 121st Street between Amsterdam and Broadway. So far, more than 2,800 hundred people have added their names. If you’re a fan and you reside in New York, you might soon be able to stroll down George Carlin Road.