BP to test Gulf Coast beach tar balls – BP workers are cleaning up tar balls dropped on Alabama Gulf Coast beaches by strong tropical wave system Lee. Crews were on the beach in Gulf Shores on Wednesday with small nets to collect balloons sticky black sand. Nets were emptied into large plastic bags and sealed with tape for removal.
City officials believe that the tar balls are spill last year BP oil, and were dredged from the bottom of Tropical Storm Lee. They say the tests will be conducted by Auburn University to verify the origin of the pitch. BP says he does not know if the tar balls are the spill, but also tests to determine if the two are related. The results could be back in a week.
City officials believe that the tar balls are spill last year BP oil, and were dredged from the bottom of Tropical Storm Lee. They say the tests will be conducted by Auburn University to verify the origin of the pitch. BP says he does not know if the tar balls are the spill, but also tests to determine if the two are related. The results could be back in a week.